Liquidnet is a global institutional investment network that intelligently connects the world’s investors to the world’s investments. Liquidnet believes its greatest business strengths, which are its expertise and assets, are also its best tools for giving back. Liquidnet employees donated over $4 million to charities around the world & volunteered over 17,000 hours. They have also helped to fundraise an additional $19 million for Liquidnet’s core project, ASYV. But surprisingly – only 15% of employees were actively engaged.
Role | UX workshops & Research, UI, Prototyping, Product Management
Partners | General Assembly (Product Management Certificate program), Director of Corporate Philanthropy
How Might We
Eliminate cumbersome and manual administrative work per event?
Increase employee engagement?
Automate event tracking and metrics to simplify end of year processes?
Engage more employees & do even more for good?
At Liquidnet, employees earn points for completed activities, which are used in determining eligibility for awards, including a $10,000 grant for a charity of their choice. Liquidnet For Good 2.0 aims to seamlessly deliver new offerings and registration reminders to employees, while eliminating administrative steps. By streamlining signup and engagement with event organizers, we can contribute to the objective of enhancing year-end employee recognition with greater accuracy and do even more for good.
I partnered with the head of corporate philanthropy to understand the primary challenges associated with program administration. I also held numerous meetings, conducted employee/volunteer interviews, and sent an engagement survey to a cross section of high, medium and low engagement employees to gain more information about what users would want from the app and from the Liquidnet for Good program at large.
After the informational interviews, I reviewed the insights provided by employees and administrators to conduct a competitive gap analysis of various volunteering platforms.
I recommended a straightforward MVP solution that enabled users to effortlessly check in and track points, connect with fellow team members, and engage with charity leads. An iterative series of low-fidelity wireframes and sketches were presented to multiple teams, with a particular emphasis on the login process, offerings overview, detail view, and messaging.
Both Low and High-fidelity wireframes went through thorough review, ultimately transforming into a prototype ( to gather to gather qualitative and observational feedback on task analysis. This prototype helped facilitate testing on phones and provided valuable insights during a mock registration test. We conducted a parallel assessment with a manual registration process to pinpoint any gaps in functionality.
Suggestions were made to incorporate additional messaging with a clear, playful tone to inform users about their event status and make the act of giving back as accessible as possible.
A proposed project plan, along with the timeline for MVP deliverables, was shared with business leaders. Although the app was ultimately postponed due to budget and time constraints, there was a unanimous agreement that it held the potential to be a straightforward solution, enhancing engagement and streamlining administration. While the timeline for its revival is yet to be determined, this concept remains a promising avenue for future exploration.